It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our Govt. I.T.I Puri website.
I am honoured and privileged to be the principal of this great Alma Mater.
As the leader of this prominent Industrial Training Institute, I am committed to provide high-quality technical education and skill training to individuals in our State, especially to the weaker section. Through industrial training, we can help individuals acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers and contribute to the overall growth and development of our society. As a team working together, we strongly promote academic achievement among our trainees.
Government Industrial Training Institute aspires to be a world leader in creating industry ready multi skilled workforce endowed with ethics by imparting technical skills of international standards and thus transforming society through skilled professionals. Govt. I.T.I Puri as an innovative industrial training institute makes use of the talents and skills of staff and trainees to provide a wide range of training programmes and projects. Wholesome participation is encouraged in extra-curricular activities and care is also taken to ensure the well-being and happiness of each and every trainee in the institute.
With a long and rewarding history of achievement in education & training behind us, our I.T.I Puri community continues to move forward together with confidence, pride and enthusiasm.
We expect your support and looking forward to see the positive impact that our industrial training programs will have on the development of our Country.
I hope you enjoy your visit to the website.
(Er. Aurobindo Ghose )